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Florist Choice Bouquet

Florist Choice Bouquet

Still can't decide what to order? Let us do the choosing for you, we will make a beautiful bouquet with our fresh blooms and foliages on hand.

Sending it to someone else? we will take a photo of the finished product and send it to you so you are part of the experience.




Pre Order options are available just leave the date you would like it delivered in the 'special delivery instruction' section and we will sort the rest for you.

  • Shipping Info

    Orders placed by 3.30pm can be delivered locally on the same day (if required). Area's Include: Far North, Te Kao, Ngataki, Houhora, Motutangi, Waiharara


    Out of town orders placed by 11.30am will be shipped the same day for overnight delivery (please check the shipping page for an ETA to your specified area. note: RD delivery can be an extra day). Flower stems will be wet wraped for freshness. Area's Include: Te Hapua, Waipapakauri, Awanui, Kaitaia, South Kaitaia, Ahipara, Taipa, Coopers Beach, Mang

PriceFrom $45.00
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